Sunday – aaaah! Staying in pajamas with a hot drink, the Sunday papers and a view of the outside world from the comfort of your own sofa.
A glorious holiday at the end of every week to celebrate the end of a long and tiring six working days. I think the specialty of Sunday remains in the fact that it comes to us onlyafter a continuous work of six days. Thus it is natural for everyone to wait for this day eagerly as it provides recreation and rest. I relax on this day after hard work of six days in whichever way I feel fit. I hail it with joy and in a way of my own.
Normal scenario of Sunday is usually getting up late, and having a brunch (and not a breakfast). This is followed by watching television, till lunch is ready and again going back to the T.V until it is time for supper.
Sometimes it may consist of a family get-together, playing games, going for a movie, catching up on small personal things which we plan to do on Sundays or indulging in any other plans with peers, it is a full day of fun and relaxation. Most events start in the early afternoon, and end in time and then to go to bed at a reasonable hour just to prepare for the same long working 6 days. The next morning - it is time to get to work! It is to realize that the weekend is over, and a long wait of six days lies between you and your next Sunday.
Life goes on in the same fashion and very few of us can enjoy the real meaning of 'All play and no work!' So....
Don’t waste Ur Sunday!
Make it a Funday!
Have a Blast!
Bcoz Sunday will not Long Last!
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